On 31st March 2020, as Uganda went into lockdown due to the coronavirus, the President made a plea to his District Officers:
"to prioritise the repair of non-functional boreholes, to ensure that the population in your respective areas access clean water"
With 37 years of experience "in the field", the staff of Busoga Trust donned their face masks and prepared for battle. Non-functionality of boreholes and wells is a huge crisis in rural Uganda, and a problem for many developing nations.
Many of the boreholes we rehabilitate were first constructed by other NGOs or government agencies some years ago, that have since moved out of the area, or no longer have funding to work in that region. This means that if a borehole breaks down and there is no funding or sustainable management system in place, communities have no choice but to return to using a traditional water source, such as a pond or stream, leaving the borehole to go further into a state of disrepair.
There are several reasons why a borehole breaks down, however one of the main reasons we come across is the use of galvanised iron (GI) pipes in the initial construction- the high mineral content of the water, pumped through the pipes, causes the pipes to rust and corrode. Fortunately our team are extremely experienced in rehabilitations, and often all it takes is removing the concrete apron, opening up the pump, removing the GI pipes and replacing them with stainless steel. We then ensure the borehole is enrolled onto our "Payment By Results" (PBR) programme of sustainable maintenance, which means it should never break down again.
Since the 31st March 2020, the team has rehabilitated over 900 boreholes and wells, bringing back clean water to over 450,000 people (alongside our usual work constructing wells etc.). Alongside this, the teams have been gifting soap and water dispensers, running radio shows, and delivering hygiene and sanitation messages through loudspeakers off the back of Land Rovers to communicate the importance of hand washing, good sanitation, and social distancing in this time of coronavirus.
We haven't even got to the best bit... The best bit, is borehole rehabilitations offer incredible value for money. As the borehole has already been drilled and sited (the most expensive part- a new borehole typically costs over £7,000), often the only materials required are the stainless steel pipes and parts and the concrete apron. This means, water can be brought back to a village for as little as £2,500.
We are totally committed to rehabilitating every non-functional borehole we come across (a recent government study estimates there are more than 6,000 in Uganda, though we think this number is much higher.) and we need your help.

Bugogo Borehole in Buyende was non-functional for seven years, due to corroded galvanised iron pipes, leaving the community with no choice but to go back to collecting water from an open pond. In just 3 days, B.T. visited, removed all the rusted pipes and parts and replaced with high quality stainless steel. Accompanied by B.T.'s flagship maintenance programme, this borehole should continue to pump safe, clean water indefinitely!
How can you help?
There are loads of ways you can get involved to help us.
For the brave amongst you, you could take on a fundraising challenge. If you reach a target of £2,500, we will dedicate a borehole rehabilitation to you, with a plaque with words of your choice. You will receive a detailed report from the community you supported, with quotes, photos and the GPS location of the water source (you could even join us on one of our annual visits to see it for yourself!)
We have the following fundraising ideas below, but get creative, we are open to anything and will support you in raising funds where we can!
Run for Water
Get sponsored by your friends and family to run 5k a day for a month! Many women and children still walk 5k to collect water every day from ponds or traditional water sources.
Walk for Water
Not big on running? Neither is our UK Manager (a.k.a. me!)
In March 2020 my partner and I walked 2 miles a day to raise funds for Busoga Trust and I highly recommend it! We got fitter, felt happier, and we raised £2,500 - which has gone towards a major borehole rehab, which will provide water for hundreds of people in rural Uganda.

B.T. staff removing rusted parts from a borehole in Buyende District.
Make a Donation
If you'd like to make a donation directly to this programme, you can do so by clicking the button below.
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Spread the Word
If you shop on amazon, you can sign up to amazon smile, select Busoga Trust as your chosen charity, and we will receive a small donation each time you shop!
If you'd like to support, but are unable to donate or do a fundraising challenge, you can help us by spreading the word. Busoga Trust started in 1983 and through word of mouth we grew to where are today. We are so grateful to all who champion our cause.